Friday, April 13, 2012

Stripped bare

Today I struggle.  Those 3 little words say so much.  They can mean anything.  Today I struggle.  I struggle with Me, with self confidence, self worth.  Who am I???  Some days this plagues me.  Who am I?? A Mom, Wife, cook, housekeeper, student, teacher, cashier.  I look in the mirror and all I see is a tired face, squishy body and think really!! Where is the person I feel inside??   Some days I feel confident, pretty, not so squishy.  Others I struggle.

Today, today I struggle......I question myself, am I doing all I can for my kids, my husband, my home,  people around me, friends.  Some days I question friends do I still have those?? Some days I feel lonely, like I dont measure up, that I m not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, where is that funny, warm person.  No there may not be a rhyme or reason.  No specific event, catalyst that has brought these feelings to the forefront of my mind.  

Then as I am feeling low a feeling of overwhelming love and peace will surround me and I know my Heavenly Father loves me.  And knows how I am feeling.  And in his eyes I am of infinite worth. I am beautiful.  I am enough!!

                                                        I AM ENOUGH


  1. I think you are MORE than enough! I am lonely too!! Call me and we can hang out MORE! I love you and think you are absolutely wonderful and amazing!

  2. I think more people feel this way than we realize. I love you. I think you are such an amazing person. Just words, I know, but true and heartfelt, nonetheless.
