Monday, May 14, 2012

Dragon Cake

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to make a cake for a baby shower.  As they don't know the sex of the baby they call it little dragon.  I will admit I was PETRIFIED to make this cake!! It is one thing to make cakes for family they will love me anyways!!   Even if its not perfect.  But this, this one was for a girl I know and a TON of people I didn't were going to see it!! Cue panic mode!!

Throughout the week I was trying to come up with a design and idea of what the heck I was going to do. Plus work every evening.  Well 4 cakes and one 3rd degree burn later...

 I finally decided on a rectangular Black magic cake with Boston Creme filling.

Now this was by friday afternoon and I needed the cake by 6 pm saturday evening.  So whipped up the cake and filling and headed to work.  I had decided to make a dragon sleeping on the top made out of rice crispy squares covered in fondant.

By the time I got home from work Saturday morning at 12:30 am.  I realized  I had forgotten to grab the rice crispies AHHHHHHHHHHHHH now what!!

Thank heavens for my amazing wonderful supportive Husband who ran to the store at 1 am just to grab me rice crispy squares!!

Thank you Babe!! You saved my sanity!!

After 4 hours sleep, got up and the real insanity began!!  Now I am NOT a tidy baker, designer much to my poor Husband dismay! hahaa

the first layer of fondant, I added a second as it looked too lumpy

I completely forgot to get pictures of the disaster that insued.

My poor patient kids.  Picture this flour, icing sugar, pots,pans, bowls and a frazzled mom.  Fondant every where.  One that I let get the better of me across the kitchen on the floor.  Yes I will admit I threw it :D

Multiple texts to mike airing my frustration and dis satisfaction of it.  Multiple tries to get everything JUST right.  Forgot to eat and then finally............8 solid hours later.........

My amazing Husband cleaned the entire kitchen spotless for me!! Thank you my amazing family for being so patient with me :D

Now will I do this again?  Make another cake?  For now I say no.....but knowing me I wont be able to stay away............

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